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It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
The importance and numerous benefits of physical activity are undeniable. The importance of frequent exercise on an individual's health is being mentioned more and more every day.
In today's modern life, with the arrival of various electric vehicles and the development of communication, people move less and less. This is understandable because there is no need for physical activity, but we must not forget our essence of being and movement as essential.
However, new data from research by the World Health Organization say that 1.8 billion adults are at risk of disease from not doing enough physical activity and that number continues to grow. It's ironic because when we look, new gyms are opening around us every day, and even the internet is flooded with fitness information. People seem to have a hard time staying motivated at the gym, which is why we've got some great motivation tips for you below.
Research says that 50% of gym starters quit within the first 6 months. I have witnessed the growth of members of the small city gym that I started in 2018. In the first days of opening, people were interested in coming and doing their training with great enthusiasm. But we all know that what starts quickly ends quickly, so after about two months 70% of them stopped coming to the gym. For me, those two months were like a kind of warm-up and creating a foundation for further progress, so even today, 7 years later, I train.
Discover the 10 Best Tips to Stay Motivated at the Gym
Set a clear goal according to your vision.
Setting a clear and specific goal seems more motivating than an easy approach. This theory has been scientifically confirmed under the name goal-setting theory developed by Edwin A. Locke. When you have a clear sense of purpose and direction, it's much easier to stay motivated. Setting specific, achievable, relevant goals will give you a great roadmap to success.
Make exercise your priority.
Nothing will magically happen by itself in your day. If you leave training for later or only as an option, it is most likely that you will not do it. A better approach is to include exercise in your routine as part of your day. You need to prioritize your training and allocate a specific time to it in your working day. Training will improve you, sharpen your focus and you will be more productive in other activities or at your job. Also prioritizing training will automatically motivate you more.
Find activities that you enjoy doing.
The third of the 10 tips is to always do what you enjoy because then you will stay motivated in the gym. When you do what you love, it's not just work. It's something where you enjoy the process while you're working and you're satisfied at the end. This has been scientifically proven under the name Intrinsic Motivation. Be a little creative and find something new that you enjoy that will keep you coming back because it will motivate you.
Focus on your systems and creating habits.
Setting a clear goal is good for direction and is helpful. Working on your systems is the best for progress. When you spend too much time thinking about your goals and too little time designing your systems, that's when a problem arises. This is best explained by James Clear, the author of the New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (advertising link). The book has sold over 20 million copies worldwide and has been translated into more than 60 languages.
Turn on the music and improve your training.
Music has been shown to reduce perceived exertion, increase exercise enjoyment, and improve exercise performance, mostly in moderate-intensity exercise.
A study found that listening to up-tempo music during high-intensity exercise can improve performance without causing a feeling of greater exertion.
Listening to music can motivate you and significantly improve the quality of your training, and this has been scientifically proven. Don't think too much, turn on your favorite song and discover all the benefits of music during exercise.
Train with a partner who will be your support.
Having someone by your side as a support or being in a community is a huge motivation for you. Researchers say that exercising with other active people can significantly motivate you, but they also recommend exercising with someone close to your fitness level to better understand each other. Find support and motivate each other because it is much more effective than training alone. After all, it is positive that you may meet new friends.
Always track your progress.
One of the many great tips is to track your progress to stay motivated in the gym.
Make a quality training plan and progress slowly. Record your performance and track your progress every workout. It's good to reward yourself for completing a section, as it also increases motivation. Use an app or, even better, old-school paper and pencil. You can use this great Fitness & Food Journal (advertising link) for easier tracking of your progress. You also have a diet diary in it to track your daily calorie and protein intake to know if you are going in the right direction of your goal.
Stimulate your body for a new workout.
Many studies, conducted among athletes competing in team and individual sports, report that caffeine may enhance performance in a variety of sports tasks. Caffeine is regularly consumed to improve performance during exercise. Drinking coffee or another caffeine-containing nutritional supplement before exercise can improve your performance, according to research investigating how caffeine benefits exercise.
Come back as soon as possible after missing a workout.
We all have to miss a workout from time to time, whether it's due to illness, vacation, family emergency, or other change. Don't panic because the muscles won't disappear overnight, as one study says that overall strength starts to decline after 3-4 weeks. Sometimes it's easy to fall back into your normal routine. But for the most part, it's harder to find the motivation to get back to the gym. It is important not to miss too much because it will be harder to come back. If you miss one day, there is no problem, but if you miss another day, a bad habit begins to form and there is a very high probability that you will continue to miss it. If you miss one workout, do the one you missed and then continue following the rest of the workouts in your program in order. If you miss two or three training sessions, go back to the beginning of your training week and start from the beginning. Missing a month or more, it is recommended to start from scratch with light weights until strength is restored.
A little mixing leads to motivation and muscle growth.
If you constantly do the same thing, it can become monotonous and boring, which is a recipe for losing motivation. Then it's time to change your workout routine. It is good to change or introduce new exercises in your program. You can use different workout equipment or explore outdoor activities, which will further motivate you.
It's common to sometimes miss a workout or two, and struggle to find time to exercise when we have a busy schedule. However, if we put our health first and make it part of our daily routine, we will surely find motivation. After all, no one can help us but ourselves.
We need to listen to ourselves, check whether we have set realistic achievable goals, and find a balance in mental and physical health.
This post is for informational and educational purposes only. This post should not be taken as therapy advice or used as a substitute for such. You should always speak with your doctor before implementing this information. Thank you!
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