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What Would You Like to Drink? Just H2O, Please. Drink More Water if you Feel Always Tired!


Updated: 3 days ago


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Just water, please? Very funny because; no water, no life.

Hand filling a metal bottle from a spout in a mossy log. Background shows a serene lake and forested mountains under a cloudy sky.

Our planet Earth is covered by 71% water. Our body is about 60% water.

The basic condition for life as it exists is just water, from which living things are composed and without which life would not be possible. Living organisms take in and release water continuously, which is called the water cycle.

It is interesting to mention that we all, as human beings, die very quickly without water. We can roughly live without water for several days. Everyone interested in how long we can survive without water can find detailed information on the topic.

Pure water has no smell and no taste. Water constantly circulates by evaporating from the sea or soil and plants into the atmosphere, where it returns to the earth as rainwater, snow, fog, or dew. Everything just goes round and round in life.

The first human communities, to ensure their survival, inhabited mostly places that were rich in water. According to all these facts, it seems to us that there is water everywhere and lack of water is not a problem. But due to the increase in the number of people on the planet and the changed standard of people, we consume more of it and it is obvious that water is the main and important resource. It is most likely that in the future there will be fights over water.

Cracked, dry earth fills the image, showing detailed brown and gray patterns. The mood is arid and parched, with no text visible.

Did You Know That Water Does the Following for Our Health

  • It brings food and oxygen to the cells and removes harmful substances.

  • Improves our health

  • It revives us so that we are not always tired.

  • It helps protect against several diseases.

  • Cleanes the kidneys

  • It can improve your appearance by helping to hydrate the skin and make it softer.

  • Regulates your body temperature

Hand catching raindrops, with water splashing upward. The image is in grayscale, creating a serene and calm mood.

Experts recommend that most people need 1.5-2 liters of water per day, which is approximately 6 to 8 glasses. Approximately 0.3 dl of water per kilogram of body weight. The needs are increased if you do a physically demanding job, during physical activity, or during the warm summer months.

Why do I always feel tired?

Insufficient drinking can affect cognitive and physical functioning, which will certainly have an impact on work efficiency. If you often ask yourself: Why am I always tired ask yourself how much water you drank today. I try to drink about two liters of water a day, so in the morning right after waking up, I drink a glass of water to get my body moving. During the working day, I carry this kind of Water Bottle 1.5L (advertising link) with me so that I know approximately how much water I drink.

It also depends on when I do some fitness or training then I drink more water during the day.

I sometimes find it hard to drink water alone, so I get a lemon and put some lemon juice in a glass of water. It is also very healthy! Be sure to find your way and drink your dose of water today, cheers!

This post is for informational and educational purposes only. This post should not be taken as medical advice or used as a substitute for such. You should always speak with your nutritionist before implementing this information. Thank you!

Hand holding a glass bottle with a wooden cap against a bright sunlit sky. Sun rays glint through the bottle, creating a warm, serene mood.

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